Moms need to hear the gospel.
Moms need to hear the gospel. I’m not just saying that moms who don’t know Jesus yet need to hear the gospel. They do. But so do moms who love the good news that saves them. The gospel is our story and...
View ArticleStay sane.
Even financially, children in our society are felt as a burden rather than the asset they were in all previous societies. How unnatural that young married couples typically have to choose between a...
View ArticleHow to quit nagging your husband.
It was early on in our marriage that I came across a little insight about nagging that has saved me from a whole lot of foolishness. It was a simple explanation that reminding a man of things you’ve...
View ArticleHappy May Day!
As a kid, May 1 was all about running around the neighborhood leaving plastic cups of popcorn and M&M’s on door steps, ringing the doorbell, and running away before we were caught. It was...
View ArticleThe Kitchen Sink’s Weekend Links!
Weekend Links! The Kindle version of Exploring Grace Together: 40 Devotionals for the Family by Jessica Thompson is on sale for $.99 right now! I have not read this book but I’ve heard good things...
View ArticleThree months after her husband passed away she gave me this advice.
Every few months, during Eric’s time in seminary, I met with Gini Hoehner, the wife of Dr. Harold Hoehner. We discussed books I was reading as part of a self study program for seminary wives. The...
View Article“Girls! Mommy needs to do her work!”
It had been raining all week. And except for a few expeditions to find wiggle worms, we’d been all cooped up. I was trying to chop up veggies for this yummy Summer Couscous recipe and every time I...
View ArticleThe month when flowers come!
Here we are in the month when flowers come! March winds and April showers have done their work, and the earth is dressed with beauty. Come, my soul, put on your springtime clothes, and gather garlands...
View ArticleThree Questions to ask as you Read the Bible
There are lots of good, helpful questions to ask while you read the Bible. Here are three questions that J.I. Packer recommends to avoid self-centered meditation: What does it say and show regarding...
View ArticleThe Kitchen Sink’s Weekend Links
Weekend Links! Christina Fox writes Show Your Kids the Glory at the Desiring God blog. She points us to the opportunities we have every day through creation, difficulties, and the character of God to...
View ArticleYay, for spring sweaters!
These were intended to be Easter sweaters but that didn’t quite happen. Luckily Easter was the most beautiful warm sunny day so we didn’t really need sweaters. And everyone’s enjoying their new spring...
View ArticleSo how’s the submission thing going?
Ephesians 5:22-6:9 gives us instruction on submitting to our husbands, our parents, and the people we work for. We all know it’s much easier to talk about these things than to do them. Here are a...
View ArticleChildren are emotional learners.
About five years ago I attended a regional Children Desiring God conference. It was really good. I still find myself thinking about what I learned there as I teach my own children now. So today I’m...
View ArticleConversation Questions that go Beyond the Superficial
Do you ever find it hard, even talking with other Christian friends, to get to the point where you’re really encouraging each other spiritually? Here are a few lists of questions I came across to help...
View ArticleThe Kitchen Sink’s Weekend Links!
Weekend Links! The GirlTalk blog has begun a series on teaching our girls to correctly handle their emotions. “But God doesn’t simply say to us as moms: ‘Sorry, I know it’s tricky, but just do your...
View ArticleThe Difference Between Pouring a Drink and Real Spiritual Work
We live in a culture that values intellectual work over physical work. And this kind of thinking can easily creep into our thinking about what really matters to God, what *real* spiritual work looks...
View ArticleDo not run away from God to satisfy your longings and relieve your anxieties.
A woman who fears the Lord will not run away from God to satisfy her longings and relieve her anxieties. She will wait for the Lord. She will hope in God. She will stay close to the heart of God and...
View ArticleJust how clean is your home supposed to be?
This is a post about cleaning my home. And it might be really boring. And you might already know this. But I find that it’s something I have to re-learn all the time. Whether I’m in the mood to try and...
View ArticleLazy Eaters
The sluggard buries his hand in the dish and will not even bring it back to his mouth. - Proverbs 19:24 He’s hungry, the food’s prepared, he’s sitting at the table, spoon in the bowl, and it’s just too...
View ArticleAt the end of my day, when my labors are through…
I used to listen to this song on my way to work during my banking days. And the last few days it’s been on my mind before my daughters wake up and after they go to bed. I love the reminder to praise...
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