Weekend Links!
The Kindle version of Exploring Grace Together: 40 Devotionals for the Family
by Jessica Thompson is on sale for $.99 right now! I have not read this book but I’ve heard good things about it.
- “In gardening, there is a good kind of ‘hardening.’ It is when you carefully accustom young seedlings that have been started indoors (or in a greenhouse) to life outdoors. Hardening-off is done by gradually introducing plants to the rigors of sun, wind, and variable temperatures. If it’s done too soon, the plants may wither and die. If it’s done too fast, the plants may go into shock. If the plants are kept inside too long, they may become leggy and weak. Read how John Younts likens this to the role of Christian parents…” read the rest at “Hardening-off” our Children at the Children Desiring God blog!
- Q&A: How Can Moms Deal with the Distractions of Social Media? wise advice from the GirlTalkers!
- Did you know that you can support The Cross and the Kitchen Sink by using the links on this website to make any purchase from Amazon
? (Read more here.) Thanks for your support!
Miss anything this week?
- Monday: Moms need to hear the gospel.
- Tuesday: Stay sane.
- Wednesday: How to quit nagging your husband
- Thursday: Happy May Day!