“How can one budget kindness?” Learning hospitality from Sarah Edwards
It is clear in New Testament passages like 1 Timothy 5 that whether or not hospitality comes easily for us, it is the hallmark of a Christian woman to open her home and invite in Brothers and...
View ArticleFriday Fun
Berry Picking Time! See you on Monday when we’ll continue our series Learning Biblical Womanhood from Sarah Edwards! If you found this post helpful subscribe by email or Facebook to get my next post!...
View ArticleDid Sarah Edwards do it all? No, she did not!
Sarah Edwards’ managed her home to optimize her husband’s ministry, she loved her children well, and she continually offered hospitality. And we might begin to wonder, is there anything this woman did...
View ArticleSarah Edwards’ Spiritual Strength
The heart of her husband trusts in her, and he will have no lack of gain. ~ Proverbs 31:11 Bruce Waltke explains this remarkable claim in his commentary on Proverbs: The statement [the heart of her...
View ArticleA few last thoughts on learning Biblical Womanhood from Sarah Edwards
Today concludes our official series on Sarah Edwards. But I’m sure there will be bits of wisdom from her biography sprinkled in future posts because there’s so much more we can learn from her. If this...
View ArticleQueen Anne’s Lace and King Solomon’s Splendor
The flower is called Queen Anne’s Lace. But Queen Anne never had such lace. She never carelessly dropped it in the ditches and left it strewn across the prairies. And that was Jesus’ point. Consider...
View ArticleDo you know how to meditate on Scripture? {How to Study the Bible 101}
We are coming to the Bible together and learning the three steps of Bible study method: observation, interpretation, and application. (In this series we’re hitting a few highlights of how to study the...
View Article10 Practical Principles on Disciplining Children from Nancy Wilson
Training, correcting, and discipling little children quickly becomes a full time job. Nancy Wilson gives some great Biblical and practical counsel for moms. Here’s a sample: 1. Pick your battles...
View Article13 Ways to Help Your Children become World Christians from Noel Piper
Awhile back I asked how we can teach our children “blessed are those who mourn.” On a related note, Noel Piper has shared 13 ways to help your children become world Christians and her thoughts are...
View ArticleBits of Cheerfulness
Our cherry tomato plants are the highlight of our garden for the little people in our home. It’s a wonder that any of them make it inside. This morning we went out and Miriam harvested them. “Right...
View ArticleThe Adventure and the Day-to-Day Details
In real life, as in a story, something must happen. This is just the trouble. We grasp at a state and find only successive events in which the state os never quite embodied. The grand idea of finding...
View ArticleAugust
The way we’ve been catching colds and flus around our house you would think it was February. But no. It’s August. We’ve been sick the entire month of August. The highlight of this particular episode...
View ArticleHow do you do that? How?
Several years back I listened to a couple of sermons John Piper preached about praying in the Holy Spirit. He spent one sermon asking, Why we should pray in the Holy Spirit? And in the next sermon he...
View ArticleBits of Conversation with a Toddler and a Preschooler about God
And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and...
View ArticleOrdained for our lifework {a quote}
This morning we must endeavor to ascend the mount of communion, so that we may be ordained to the lifework for which we are set apart. C.H. Spurgeon, from Morning and Evening, September 10 If you...
View ArticleLast night on the swings and other things that will soon be forgotten.
Last night Miriam and I sat on the swings together. I went higher than she did. We laughed. For awhile we held hands while we went back and forth at the same pace. And I thought about how in two years...
View ArticleDeep Truths About God Set to Music Kids Love … for 90¢
This is just a quick note to pass along some beautiful music by Dana Dirksen I found out about on Friday! The songs teach deep truths about God — actually the catechism — and are set to music that...
View ArticleAn orderly home and other things God loves.
I’ve heard people say things like, “God loves order,” as a reason we should strive for orderly homes. And on one hand it’s so true. As he spoke into nothingness and created a beautiful world he was...
View ArticleWho is the Proverbs 31 Woman?
In the middle of the Bible there is a poem describing an Excellent Wife, the Proverbs 31 Woman. It’s a bit curious. Her children are mentioned only in passing and half of the poem discusses her work...
View ArticleSimple Living and the Simple Gospel
Just how compatible is “simple living” with the gospel? Today I’m sharing a few thoughts at Domestic Kingdom! Come join me! There are certainly tips that are compatible with a life of the wisdom that...
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