I am so excited to begin our study of the Proverbs 31 Woman on June 6th. (Click here for details of how you can join us!) But I didn’t always feel that way about her. For a long time I just didn’t know what to do with her and to be honest, I didn’t see what was so great about her. Here are a few reflections I wrote awhile back about this woman who sometimes just feels intimidating…
Miriam didn’t call me like usual when she woke up this morning. A half hour later I finally opened the door to my toddler whose eyes glistened. Panting with excitement she stood by her morning accomplishment.
“A big ole mess!”
She watched me proudly as I turned to survey the empty drawers and piles of toys and wads of wet wipes. I thought about how pleased she was with herself. I thought about how long it would take to fold all her clothes again. I thought about everything I had hoped to do this morning. I thought about the Proverbs 31 woman and how nice it would be to have one of her maidservants around to clean up this “big ole mess.”
It’s not the first time I’ve wished for her maidservants. I feel paralyzed when I look at the Proverbs 31 woman. What does it mean to measure up 2500 years later?
I’m tempted to preach a false gospel to myself, “Don’t worry about this passage! It surely can’t apply if you don’t have maidservants!”
I don’t go to the cross. I justify myself.
But at the root of my haste to write off the Proverbs 31 woman lies a much deeper issue. At the end of the day, I’m not convinced she’s good.
I’m not sure I want to be like her. I’m not sure I should be like her. So I quickly say that I can’t be like her… Read the rest of the post, Measuring up to the Proverbs 31 Woman in the 21st Century by clicking here!
Or continue with the series:
- Does the Proverbs 31 Woman neglect the most important things?
- The Proverbs 31 Woman never sleeps. Or, does she?
- Does the Proverbs 31 Woman love her business more than her husband?
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