Today is my grandma’s birthday. Isn’t she pretty? She turns 80 today.
Whenever we came to visit she let me put lots of sugar on my Cheerios. Way more than my mom let me sprinkle on top. That’s the difference between mothers and grandmothers.
We have had tea parties and played with paper dolls. We walked along the beach where the water splashed our ankles to find the best sea shells. She taught me all their names and how to rub baby oil on them when we brought them home.
She gave my oldest daughter her first baby doll right after they met. We named her Betty Lou.
Miriam carries the doll everywhere. She will tell you that her beloved doll is from “Mama Betty and Papa Sam.”
Annette met her when she was three months old. Grandpa Sam and Grandma Betty took the girls for a walk. No one else could keep up with them so we stayed inside.
She makes everything fun. She is so beautiful.
Happy Birthday, Grandma. We love you!