There we all were sitting on the living room floor when Annie Mae, my one year old, plunked Cinderella in the driver’s seat of the garbage truck. I smiled thinking that somewhere in the fine print of “Happily Ever After” she ended up driving around the kingdom collecting trash. Disney left out that detail.
But I began to realize that our “Happily Ever After” does include driving around the kingdom collecting trash — or, at least, it includes some type of humble service toward one another.
My self-centeredness cringes at this point. A resurrected life full of service seems less than desirable. But Easter changes all that. Because of Easter serving no longer interferes with my joy, serving becomes the path to my joy.
Because of Easter we see that service is beautiful, not ugly.
For forty days after his resurrections Jesus poured himself out teaching and explaining all that had been written and all that had happened. And then, in John chapter 21, we are told that just as day was breaking Jesus fixed breakfast for his friends beside the sea.
He had served to the uttermost but he was not finished serving. Humility is beauty and fullness and life, not something left behind at the cross.
Join me at Desiring Virtue to read the full story of how Easter changes how I view service!