Awhile ago I posted Three Tips for Including Children in Church from Noel Piper’s book, Treasuring God in Our Traditions. Then, on Saturday night we listened to the live stream of John Piper’s last sermon. I finally thought, “Oh, I should try some of those ideas.” We were at home so it wasn’t a huge deal if nothing worked.
I began, “Miriam, you listen to Pastor John and if he says, ‘God’ or ‘Jesus’ let me know!”
She listened intently for about 15 seconds. “Church! He’s talking about church too!” “God!” “Christ!” then she sang the first line of her favorite song, Christ the Lord is Risen Today, because it starts with “Christ” too.
She lasted about three minutes. But I was shocked.
So this week I’ve been reviewing Noel Piper’s advice and thought you might enjoy looking over it again too.
Have you helped little people listen to sermons? What have you tried?